Level B1
With B1 level Chinese, you're able to:
- Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
- Deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where Chinese is spoken.
- Produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
- Describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Essential B1 articles
- Understanding 把 (bǎ) in ten minutes
- The 是…的 (shì…de) construction in Chinese grammar
- Chinese grammar 把 structure: a basic introduction
- Chinese grammar de particles summary: 的, 地 and 得
Important B1 articles
- How to use 一点儿 (yī diǎnr) in Mandarin Chinese Grammar
- How to use 拿起来 (náqilai) and 拿上来 (náshanglai) correctly in Chinese grammar
- How to use 没关系 (mei2 guānxi) in Chinese: it doesn't matter, not related to
Supplementary B1 articles
- How to use 关于 (guānyú) and 对于 (duìyú) correctly in Chinese
- How to use 碰 (pèng), 碰见 (pèngjiàn) and 碰上 (pèngshàng) in Chinese grammar
- 接 (jiē) and 接到 (jiēdào) in Chinese grammar: answering and receiving
- How to use 对 (duì) and 跟 (gēn) as prepositions in Chinese grammar
- The difference between 对不起 (duìbuqǐ), 请问 (qǐngwèn), 麻烦你 (máfan nǐ) and 劳驾 (láojià)
- 长 (zhǎng) vs 长得 (zhǎngde) in Chinese grammar
- How to use 划算 (huásuàn) in Mandarin Chinese: to be a bargain
- The difference between 终于 (zhōngyú) and 最后 (zuìhòu) in Mandarin Chinese: 'finally' vs 'the last'
- When 给 (gěi) comes directly after verbs in Mandarin Chinese (verb-给 compounds)
- The difference between 半 (bàn), 一半 (yí bàn) and 一个半 (yí ge bàn) in Chinese grammar
- Common mistakes with 把 (bǎ) in Chinese grammar